Hello, I am Madeline - nice to virtually meet you.

I am an artist, designer & musician originally hailing from Wellington, New Zealand. Graduating with First Class Honors in Painting from Massey School of Fine Arts, my work transcends conventional design boundaries, encompassing a diverse range of artistic expressions, from illustration to type design and visual direction.

I have lived and worked in big cities such as London, New York and LA as well as found solace living and working in smaller beach towns in Australia and New Zealand.  

I am inspired by Georgia O’Keefe, David Hockney, Barbara Dane, Sister Corita Kent, Apartamento Magazine and 1970’s film footage. I have a dog called Moon and used to surf. I like spending days at the library looking through design books, studying film credits & titles, taking photos of hand drawn fonts and drawing cacti and peace signs. I am inspired by grass-roots activism and vulnerable acoustic music.

I also make music in a duo under the name The Ramblings. I have experimented with riso printing and would love to work in a print studio.

Now based in Tāmakai Makaurau, I co-direct Unidentified Object with Nik Brinkman, and actively engage in various independent design and research-oriented ventures. These include Freehand Fonts, Project Peace, Signs & Poetry of Protest, as well as freelance design & branding projects.

I hope to self-publish a book called “The Poetry of Protest” and expand my work into screen printing very soon.

Please feel free to reach out to talk anything design, art, music or film.

Photos courtesy of Nik Brinkman


Best Design Award 2023 - Silver | Student & Academic Graphics

1st Class Hons, Massey School of Fine Arts



Salt Gypsy


Creators Corner

Think Coromandel Gig Guide

Honey Magazine



Radio Active Re-Charted

North & South Magazine “An accomplice in arts, Portraits of creative partnerships, built from trust and time” Issue 421.

If you would like to see my full resume please get in touch.